★ 培养儿童对英语产生较浓厚的兴趣。
★ 让儿童学会询问和指认的常用语。
★ 让儿童掌握狐狸、狗、小鸟、猴子、鸭子的英语说法。
★ 主题:去动物园
★ 功能:询问和指认
★ 句型:What’s this? It’s a … I’m here!
★ 单词:monkey, fox ,dog ,bird,duck
★ 带领小朋友去动物园
Miss Wang : Today, I will take you to The Zoo
(今天王老师要带小朋友去动物园) Ok?
The Class : ok!
Miss Wang : Let’s line up.(小朋友们排好队)
Let’s go!
★ 来到动物园
Miss Wang : Wu…..Stop! We reach The Zoo.
Miss Wang : Look! What’s this?
引导儿童说:It’s a monkey.
Miss Wang : Hello,monkey!
The class: Hello,monkey!
The monkey: Hello!
Miss W ang: Look! What’s this?
引导儿童说:It’s a bird.
Miss Wang : Hello,bird!
The class: Hello,bird!
The monkey: Hello!
Miss Wang: Do as bird do.(让我们学一学小鸟的样子)
Miss W ang: Ok,It’s time to say bye-bye to bird.
Miss W ang: Bye-bye bird.
The class: Bye-bye bird.
The bird: Bye-bye.
Miss Wang: A duck in the river.
The class: Oh a duck in the rive.
The duck: 嘎!嘎!嘎!
Miss wang: what are they? Oh they are foxes!
The Class : Foxes!
Keep guiet! Listen carefully!
Miss wang: Oh, A dog is crying! What’s the matter?
The class: 小狗的脚被绳子缠住了。
Miss wang: let’s help him!
The dog: Thank you!
The class: you’re welcom!
The dog: 汪!汪!汪。
Miss wang: Do you want to play with the lovely animals?
I have a stick of magic rod.(我有一根魔术棒)。我要把小朋友们变成小动物和动物园的动物一起玩游戏。
用魔术棒指向一个小孩说:Magic, magic,magic,Monkey!….
然后让所有的小动物围成一个圈:老师说:Fox fox Where are you? 戴着狐狸头饰的小朋友就要回答说I am here! 并且跳到圈的中间。其他小动物向四处逃开。狐狸就去抓他们。
老师慢慢的举起一个月亮。It’s time to go home!
Miss wang : 天黑了,我们该回家了。让老师把你们变回来。Magic!magic!magic!
It’s time to say googbye to the animals.
★ 歌曲:(sing a song) 用歌声和Animals再见.
Goodbye, everyone. Goodbye, everyone. Goodbye, everyone.
It’s time to say goodbye.